Saturday, June 22, 2013

Adapted from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

By loving power silently surrounded
. . .Comforted, protected by Your grace.
We choose to live these newest days together:
With You to enter in the coming years. (Refrain)
Since by Your will today You make us joyful
Into this world Your brightest sunlight shines.
We think of former times and now we're certain:
You hold our future in Your loving hands. (Refrain)
Profoundest silence still around us gathers
From it emerges God's almighty song.
His world, His vision now to us are open;
His children shout their hymn of highest praise! (Refrain)

By loving power won-derf'l-ly surrounded
Awaiting fearlessly, whatever comes.
God is with us in the evening and the morning
He's here, for sure, in every dawning day

On his first visit to the German church where Carmen was baptized & confirmed,
Darrell was moved by this hymn by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He has translated and adapted three of the verses, and dedicates them, with deepest love, to Carmen on their wedding day, July 6, 2013