A Fathers Day Prayer
How is it that “all Creation Shouts Your Praise”?
Thank you LORD, for the good gifts you give. Thank you for food and friends, family and faith.
Thank you for Kirsten and Linnea, enjoying and celebrating this new day you have given us. Thank you for this mountain before us. You have set it in place, and you sustain it by your powerful word.
And what are those words? It is gravity that keeps it here, in New Hampshire. Friction governs the rocks, as they hold in place under our steps. Optics governs the light that reflects sunlight off the trees, flowers, and cascades of water.
These physical things have no choice but to obey your Laws; nor do we if we wish to climb safely! Help us to also choose to follow your moral laws, which likewise keep us safe. Help us to love and care for one another. Help us to worship you, and be thankful and joyful for every moment you give us: to love you, glorify you, and enjoy you forever.
In the name of the only One who obeyed all of your laws perfectly, the loving name of Jesus, Amen
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