Please use this blog to post your thoughts about: church politics, national politics as it affects religion, and anything else that's on your mind. Please feel free to ignore older posts. If they become distracting, I can hide them.
Please refrain from personal attacks. Sadly, not only is this disclaimer necessary, but it is also difficult to comply with. If one can't separate their self from the opinions they currently hold, any criticism of ideas can be inevitably seen as a personal assault. Or, more informally, taken WAAY too personally. I hope this doesn't happen.
For my part, I believe each individual is created in the image of God, and is of inestimable value. God demonstrated the value He, Himself places on each person by sending Jesus, God the Son, to draw us back into relationship with God. This is God's free and gracious gift. Though we do not deserve His grace, we can, and should respond in gratitude, seeking reconciliation and peace with all of God's Creation.
A reflection on this day of honor:
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I believe in the Christian doctrines concerning sin, but what if sin doesn't exist? If there is no sin, why should I feel bad about racism or homophobia? Without recognition of sin, without timeless truths that are accessible to humans, it just becomes a power struggle. Sexual minorities [I read this term first in Bay Windows; it seems more personal the LGBTQ and whatever other letters we must append] have become a powerful group. Blacks, Hispanics, and immigrants, not so powerful. But what if, instead of arguing about who has the most power, we responded with compassion and repentance? King David, have committed adultery and murder, responded by first admitting that he had sinned against GOD. "Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done what is iniquitous in thy sight" Psalm 51
Please share your thoughts. I have more to say, soon!
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